

    【冥思坊2017年下半年会员招募】2017年已过半,目前已有来自全国各地的60多位朋友加入成为会员,一起进行每周两次的语音讨论及日常交流。由于时间过半桃色星期五 ,会员收费也进行了相应调整哇哈哈简谱 ,欢迎大家申请加入:【招募公告】“并肩踏上心灵探索之旅!”——冥思坊2017年下半年全国会员招募启事
    To live without comparison, to live without any kind of measurement inwardly, never to compare what you are with what you should be. The word ‘meditation’ means not only to ponder, to think over, to probe, to look, to weigh; it also has a much deeper meaning in Sanskrit—to measure吴燕菁 , which is ‘to become’. In meditation there must be no measurement. This meditation must not be a conscious meditation in deliberately chosen postures.
    This meditation must be totally unconscious, never knowing that you are meditating. If you deliberately meditate it is another form of desire, as any other expression of desire. The objects may vary; your meditation may be to reach the highest, but the motive is the desire to achieve, as the businessman, as the builder of a great cathedral.
    Meditation is a movement without any motive, without words and the activity of thought. It must be something that is not deliberately set about. Only then is meditation a movement in the infinite, measureless to man, without a goal, without an end and without a beginning. And that has a strange action in daily life, because all life is one and then becomes sacred. And that which is sacred can never be killed.
    冥想是一种没有任何动机、没有言语、没有思想活动的运动。它必须是一件毫不刻意地做出的事。只有这样,冥想才是无限中的运动,对于人类来说才是不可估量的,没有目标,无始亦无终重生猪王 。而它会在日常生活中产生一种奇特的行动,因为所有的生命都是一个整体,进而是神圣的。而神圣者绝不能被杀害。
    To kill another is unholy. It cries to heaven as a bird kept in a cage. One never realizes how sacred life is, not only your little life but the lives of millions of others, from the things of nature to extraordinary human beings. And in meditation which is without measurement, there is the very action of that which is most noble, most sacred and holy.
    杀害生命是邪恶的。它会像被囚禁在笼中的小鸟一样向天空发出哀嚎。人们从来没有意识到生命有多么神圣,不仅仅是你卑微的生命,而且还有千千万万其他的生命,从自然界的各种生灵到非同凡响的人类。而在没有衡量的冥想中魁刚·金 ,就有着最为高尚、神圣和圣洁的行动。
    The other day on the banks of a river—how lovely are rivers; there isn’t only one sacred river, all rivers throughout the world have their own divinity—the other day a man was sitting on the banks of a river wrapt in a fawn coloured cloth. His hands were hidden, his eyes were shut and his body was very still. He had beads in his hands and he was repeating some words and the hands were moving from bead to bead.
    He had done this for many years and he never missed a bead. And the river rolled along beside him. Its current was deep. It began among the great mountains, snow-clad and distant; it began as a small stream香菊胶囊 , and as it moved south it gathered all the small streams and rivers and became a great river. In that part of the world they worshipped it.
    One does not know for how many years this man had been repeating his mantra and rolling the beads. He was meditating—at least people thought he was meditating and probably he did too. So all the passers-by looked at him危地马拉天坑 , became silent and then went on with their laughter and chatter.
    你不知道这个人有多少年来一直在诵念咒语、转动念珠诺基亚n6300 大拇指公主 。他在冥想——至少人们以为他在冥想,或许他自己也这么以为。所以所有的路人经过的时候都要看看他,安静一会儿,然后又继续谈笑风生地向前走去。
    That almost motionless figure—one could see through the cloth only a slight action of the fingers—had sat there for a very long time潜山教育网 , completely absorbed, for he heard no other sound than the sound of his own words and the rhythm of it, the music of it. And he would say that he was meditating. There are a thousand others like him, all over the world, in quiet deep monasteries among the hills and towns and beside the rivers.
    Meditation is not words, a mantram, or self-hypnosis, the drug of illusions. It must happen without your volition. It must take place in the quiet stillness of the night钻纹龟 , when you are suddenly awake and see that the brain is quiet and there is a peculiar quality of meditation going on. It must take place as silently as a snake among the tall grass, green in the fresh morning light. It must take place in the deep recesses of the brain. Meditation is not an achievement. There is no method, system or practice. Meditation begins with the ending of comparison, the ending of the becoming or not becoming. As the bee whispers among the leaves so the whispering of meditation is action.
    冥想并非词句、咒语或者自我催眠,这些虚幻的麻醉剂。它只能在你不经意的时候发生。它必须发生在夜晚的安宁静谧之中,当你忽然醒来,发现头脑很安静,此时就有一种特别的冥想在进行。它的发生必须像穿过草丛的蛇一样静悄悄——高高的草丛在清新的晨曦中青翠欲滴犬齿之家 。它必须发生在大脑的最深处宋作文。冥想不是一项成就,它没有方法、体系,也无法练习。冥想始于比较的终结、想成为或不成为什么的终结。就像蜜蜂在树叶间嗡鸣,冥想的低语即是行动。
    His Last Journal: Krishnamurti to Himself, Ojai,April 22, 1983

    【纪念专题】乘风破浪,宋佳妍 矢志不渝——克里希那穆提冥思坊成立五周年坊
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