

    在水族业中,Sicce公司以其设计精巧、高效可靠的水泵而闻名斗翠 。现在,他们开始研发全新的产品范畴——玻璃水族箱。正如您所料,Sicce公司如果没有创新独特的想法和设计,是不会开始生产新的水族箱系列的。
    目前,大部分价格合理的玻璃水族箱都是产自中国,因此,看到一些意大利品牌的优质水族箱以消费者可以接受的价格出售全职业米虫 ,确实令人激动。这些水族箱由高清玻璃制成蒋家驹 ,尺寸大部分为“浅立方体”魏汉冬 ,最大容量约为39加仑(147.6升)。
    但是,Sicce系列水族箱的独特之处在于其支持的“生态系统”已预先设定金宝学圻家印,可完美配对他们的水族箱。当然猴娃之谜 ,其中包括了Sicce泵,但远不止如此黄庭立道。除了标准的未钻孔玻璃盒外,Sicce系列水族箱真正的突出特点是设有专门用于匹配超薄Eshopps Eclipse溢流盒的预钻孔型号。

    Eshopps Eclipse溢流盒的内盒非常窄小锦绣芳华 ,用于表层过滤,而且在水族箱内不显眼夏洛特玲玲。它还具有安静排水功能,因此您可以在水族箱中安静地虹吸排水,还有一个溢流管防止堵塞时溢出。这款新型Sicce水族箱带有黑色支架和支撑垫,您可以将其视为小型一体化的Red Sea Reefers水族箱,但用户仍可灵活定制设备和系统设计。
    我们还不知道这款产品的确切定价,但水族箱、支架和溢流的组合估计相当合理,而且其优点不止于此。此外惨拜 ,新的Sicce水族箱还设有用于安装Eshopps排污装置、Sicce泵和AquaticLife灯具的槽口,总计可节省数百美元。
    Sicce的新型玻璃水族箱套件真正地弥合了低成本一体化设备和高端套装(如Red Sea Max和Reefer水族箱系列)之间的差距。这款水族箱由水族业内一些最好的制造商制造什么字长蛇阵 ,选调生成绩查询 我们十分期待它将带来的惊喜。
    Sicce’s New Glass Aquarium Packages Coming Soon
    Sicce德川和也 , the company best known for making some of the best and most reliable pumps in the aquarium world is throwing their hat into a whole new category – glass aquarium. As you might imagine for Sicce to start offering a new line of tanks they weren’t about to do something that wasn’t at least a little special and you’d be right.
    Currently贺雪梅 , a large number of affordable glass tanks in the aquarium hobby come from China these days so it’ll be very refreshing to see some fine Italian tanks offered at a price we can afford. The tanks themselves are made of high clarity glass, are mostly of the ‘shallow cube’ variety in dimensions, and top out at about 39 gallons in volume.
    But what will make Sicce’s offering unique is the supporting ‘ecosystem’ of products they’ve preselected as ideal pairings for their aquariums. Naturally this includes Sicce pump but it goes much further than that. In addition to standard undrilled glass boxes, the real standout feature will be the models that are pre-drilled specifically to accept the slimEshopps Eclipse overflow box.
    The Eshopps Eclipse has a very narrow internal box for surface skimming while being unobtrusive inside the tank. It also has a quiet drain feature so that you can quietly siphon-drain to the sump and an overflow pipe prevents overflowing in the event of blockage. With its black stand and leveling mat泽北荣治 , you can think of the new Sicce tanks as smaller ‘Red Sea Reefers’ that are almost all in one setups, but still offering users the flexibility to customize equipment and system design.
    We don’t have exact pricing yet but the combinations of tank闽清一中 , stand, overflow is expected to be quite reasonable, and it doesn’t stop there. Additionally, the new Sicce aquariums will come with a jackpot of rebates for Eshopps sumps公侯庶女 , Sicce pumps,石正方 and AquaticLife light fixtures totaling up to hundreds of dollars on savings.
    Sicce’s new glass aquarium kits really fill a gap between low-cost completely all in one setups于新博 , and higher end packages like the Red Sea Max and Reefer series. In partnering with some of the aquarium world’s best manufacturers, we expect this new glass tank from Sicce to be a surprisingly good value.